You can download a copy of the EYFS curriculum overview.
Term 1
Early learning goal focus:
- Managing relationships
- Managing feelings and behaviour
Maths and corresponding texts:
- Numbers and counting 1 to 5
- Spinderella story
- Addition and subtraction with groups of up to 5 objects
- Pete’s Groovy Buttons - story
- Comparing groups
- 1 more and 1 less for numbers up to 5
Power of reading text:
- A Brave Bear
- Colin and Lee, Carrot and Pea
- Lulu gets a cat
- Hickory Dickory Dog
Forest school topics:
- Bear Hunt
- Room on a Broom
- Gruffalo
- Owl Babies
- Very Helpful Hedgehog
Trips and events
- Meet the teacher
- Harvest festival
- Phonics and Tapestry presentation
Term 2
Early learning goal focus:
- People and communities
- Self-confidence and self-awareness
- Health and self-care
Maths and corresponding texts:
- 1 more and 1 less for numbers up to 5
- Nigel’s Numberless World – story
- Time (my day)
- The Bad Tempered Ladybird – story
- Weight
Power of reading text:
- Aaaarggghhh Spider!
- On Sudden Hill
Forest school topics:
- Stick Man
- The mole who knew it was none of his business
- Stanley’s Stick
- Hungry Caterpillar
Trips and events:
- Bikeability
- Diwali
- Bonfire night
- Christmas
Term 3
Early learning goal focus:
- Expressive arts and design
Maths and corresponding texts
- Number bonds to 5
- Counting to 10 using the text, Each orange has 8 slices
- Comparing groups
- 1 more and 1 less up to 10
- 2D shape using the texts Perfectly Square and The Greedy Triangle
- Positional language using the texts Henry’s Map and My Map Book
Power of reading text:
- A bit Lost
- Rosie’s Walk
- Walking through the Jungle
Forest school topics:
- Superworm
- Where the wild things are
- Tadpole’s promise
- Scarecrow Wedding
- Funny Bones
Trips and events:
Gallery express
Term 4
Early learning goal focus:
- The world
Maths and corresponding texts:
- Addition up to 10 using two groups of objects
- Stories used are, 1 is a Snail 10 is a Crab and Get up and Go
- Number bonds to 10 using 10-frames
- Number bonds to 10 using part/part/whole
- 3D shape
- Distance using the book The Great Paper Caper
- Estimating using the book, Betcha.
Power of reading text:
- Stanley’s Stick
- Shark in the Park
Forest school topics:
- Supertato
- Dinosaur’s Rubbish
- Sharing a Shell
- One Little Raindrop
Trips and events
Mother’s Day
Term 5
Early learning goal focus:
- Technology
- Being imaginative
Maths and corresponding texts:
- Money, using the story The Great Pet Sale
- Adding by counting on
- Taking away by counting back - A place for Zero and The Shopping Basket
- Counting to 20
- Length – Jim and the Beanstalk
- Height - Titch
Power of reading text:
- Ruby’s Worry
- Going on a Lion Hunt
- When is my birthday?
Forest school topics:
- Farmer Duck
- What me grow
Trips and events
- Castle walk
- Knockhatch
Term 6
Early learning goal focus:
- Self-confidence and self-awareness
- Expressive arts and design
- Personal, social and emotional development
Maths and corresponding texts:
- Doubling – Minnie’s Dinner
- Halving – Equal Schmequal and The Great Divide
- Sharing – The day the doorbell rang
- Odds and evens
- Counting in 2s – A Pair of Socks
- Capacity – 1 to 10 and Back Again and Jack and the Flum Flum Tree
Power of reading text:
- Billy’s Bucket
- Biscuit Bear
- Mr Gumpy’s Outing
Trips and events:
- Transition
- Bushy wood
- Music showcase to parents