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Home Learning

In order that our pupils can attain the highest standard, at PaWS we recognise the crucial importance of an active educational partnership between home and school as set out in our school vision.  Home Learning is just one of the ways in which we seek to foster this partnership. Home Learning at PaWS encompasses a whole variety of activities instigated by teachers and parents to support children’s learning.

All pupils are expected to engage in home learning.

Our Home Learning policy gives details of our aims and year group expectations.  The essential expectations for all pupils are:

  • Listen to stories read by an adult andread at home to an adult every night.
  • Access DoodleMaths regularly and keep in the Green zone.
  • Access DoodleSpell (Y1 and above) regularly and keep in the Green zone.
  • From Year 3 upwards children should access Times Table Rockstars to develop and embed their fluency of times table and division facts.

It is important that parents and carers display a positive attitude and value the importance of home learning.  It is essential for children to recognise the importance of home learning to support their progress. To support your child, we would encourage parents to:

  • Providing a quiet, calm area for the children to work in.
  • Help set a regular time for completing activities.
  • Making the time to read with children and question them even once they have become fluent readers.

Following requests from parents, we have put together some further suggested opportunities for learning at home.

If your child is struggling to engage in home learning, we have put together some strategies for support:

Parent guides