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Acronyms, abbreviations and definitions

This resource is aimed at supporting all our school community in clarifying a range of acronyms and abbreviations used in school.


Assessment for Learning An approach to teaching and learning that creates feedback which is then used to improve pupils’ performance.
CAMHS Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service CAHMS provides children with specialist mental health support.

Child Protection Child protection is the protection of children from violence, exploitation, abuse and neglect. 

Continuing Professional Development Training allocated to staff (inside or outside of school). Any activity that increases teachers’ knowledge or understanding, or effectiveness in schools.

The Department for Education Responsible for education and children’s services in England.
DSL/DDSL (Deputy) Designated Safeguarding Lead The named person who takes the lead on child protection.

English as an Additional Language EAL refers to children whose first language is not English, and may not speak English fluently or at all.
EBSA Emotionally Based School Avoidance Emotionally Based School Avoidance is a term used to describe children who experience challenges in attending school due to negative feelings such as anxiety.
ECT Early Careers Teacher An early career teacher is in their first 2 years in teaching. 
EHCP Education Health Care Plan An EHCP sets out the education, healthcare and social care needs of a child for whom extra support is needed in school, beyond that which the school can provide.
ELG Early Learning Goal At the end of Reception, children are expected to be achieving the ELG across the key areas of learning.

Educational Psychologist Educational psychologists tackle challenges such as learning difficulties, social and emotional problems, issues around disability as well as more complex developmental disorders.
ESBAS Education Support, Behaviour and Attendance Service ESBAS provides specialist advice, guidance, and intervention to schools to support children with poor attendance and concerning behaviour.
EY or EYFS Early Years

Early Years Foundation Stage
The early years foundation stage sets standards for the learning, development and care of a child from birth to 5 years old. 

At PaWS, this is seen in our Pixies and Elves classes.
FSM Free School Meals Students on FSM will have access to extra funding to support their learning activities inside and outside of the classroom.

Higher Level Teaching Assistant HLTAs work with teachers to support teaching, learning and pupil achievement, with an element of whole school responsibility.

In Service Training day In service training for the staff as a whole.  There are usually 5 INSET days in a school year.
KS1 Key Stage 1 Years 1 and 2
KS2 Key Stage 2 Years 3 to 6

Local Authority East Sussex is our local authority responsible for education.
LAC Looked after Children LAC are children who are in care or looked after by foster parents. 
MFL Modern Foreign Language At PaWS we have chosen to teach French.
Ofsted Office for Standards in Education They inspect and regulate services that care for children and young people, and services providing education and skills for learners of all ages.
PP Pupil Premium The pupil premium is additional funding to support the progress of children from low-income and other disadvantaged families.
PPA Planning, Preparation and Assessment Teachers are entitled to 10% of timetabled teaching time to be allocated for these tasks.
PSC Phonics Screening Check The PSC is taken individually by all children in Year 1. It is designed to give information on how children are progressing in phonics.  Pupils who do not passed are rechecked at the end of Year 2.
MTC Multiplication Tables Check The MTC is statutory online check for all Year 4 children. The purpose is to determine whether pupils can recall their times tables fluently, which is essential for future success in mathematics.
RSHE Life Skills Relationships, Sex, Health and Economics Life Skills This incorporates our role in following the statutory guidance relating to Relationships and sex education (RSE) and health education.
SATs Standard Assessment Tests Compulsory tests sat by all pupils at the end of Year 2 and Year 6. The results of these tests contribute to how a school is judged.
SEF Self Evaluation Form Our SEF is a document where we have reflected and identified our strengths and areas for development to direct us to where to target additional focus.

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities A child or young person has SEND if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for them.
SIP School Improvement Plan At PaWS we use our Self Evaluation Form to develop a timetabled strategy for school improvement.

Senior Leadership Team Our senior leaders take the lead on managing the school and driving school improvement.

Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar

Grammar Punctuation and Spelling
This is taught across the curriculum and pupils are assessed on this area as part of the KS2 SATs.
SPOA Single Point of Advice The East Sussex Single Point of Advice is a triage service for professionals and families who are concerned about the mental health or emotional wellbeing of a child or young person.