Our school uniform is based on the belief that school uniform:
- promotes a sense of pride in our school;
- is practical, smart and designed with health and safety in mind;
- creates a level playing field reducing peer pressure to wear expensive branded clothing and supports our commitment to inclusion;
- helps to create a sense of community and belonging towards the school;
- should be cost effective for families keeping branded items to a minimum.
- promotes a sense of pride in our school;
Uniform can be ordered online from:
Don’t forget to purchase your ‘stikin’ labels for all your school uniform and children’s items the website below.
Second Hand Uniform
At PaWs we provide an opportunity at least once every term for parents and carers to buy second hand uniform. This will sold on the playground at the end of the school day. Dates are publicised to parents in advance.
All parents are encouraged to donate second hand uniform. This can be handed in at the office or handed to any member of staff at drop off or collection.
The uniform is as follows:
- Red sweatshirt or cardigan with school logo
- White polo shirt (school logo is optional)
- Grey or black skirt, pinafore dress, trousers or tailored knee length shorts
- Red gingham dresses may be worn in the summer term
- Shoes should be black, leather-look (smart) and appropriate to the rigours of school life – no trainers, no sling-backs and no boots. Heels should be no more than ½ inch.
- Wellington boots may be worn to walk to school but must be changed on arrival.
- Red book bag is required for EYFS and Year 1. It is optional for the rest of our pupils.
For PE all children need:
PE kit is worn to school on PE days. Children should wear their school jumper/cardigan over the top of their PE shirt in colder weather.
- PE T-shirt with school logo in your child’s house colour.
- Black PE shorts
- A pair of black plimsolls or black trainers.
- School PE bag in house colour (optional)
- Plain black joggers (no branded trousers or leggings)
- Shinpads for invasion games (KS2 only)
Optional items:
- Red school hat with school logo
- Red fleece with school logo (not to be worn in place of a sweatshirt)
On health and safety grounds we do not allow children to wear jewellery in our school. Children with pierced ears can only wear small studs and need to remove them before P.E. lessons.
Make-up and hair:
- Children should not come to school wearing make-up, this includes nail varnish and false nails.
- Hair should be of natural colour – no hair dye please. Long hair should be tied up for health and safety. Hair accessories, including bows and headbands should follow the school colours. Tram lines and extreme haircuts are not permitted.
Please label all clothing and footwear clearly with your child’s name.