You can download a copy of the Year 1 curriculum plan.
Terms 1 and 2
Class texts
Where the Wild Things Are
The Lonely Beast
Stories to entertain
- This includes the study of narratives with predictable phrasing.
- Children read and perform verse.
We use the White Rose maths scheme of work throughout the year.
Number work includes:
- learning about the place value of digits in numbers up to 10 and progress to numbers up to 20
- practising addition and subtraction using numbers up to 10.
- We explore 2D and 3D shapes.
We have two science topics during the term:
- animals
- seasons
In our topic on the weather we ask, ‘How does the weather affect our lives?’
Children learn about the life of the palaeontologist, Mary Anning and the importance of her discoveries.
We ask, ‘What can fossils tell us about the past?’
We use Kapow Primary scheme of work for art.
The unit includes exploring three of the formal elements of art:
- shape – creating abstract art inspired by Beatriz Milhazes
- line – inspired by Bridget Riley and using music
- colour – making and painting with colour, inspired by Jasper Johns
The children also look at the life and work of Sergey Krasovskiy. He is a contemporary paleo artist known for his artistic reconstructions of dinosaurs.
Design Technology
We use Kapow Primary scheme of work for design technology.
In term 2 the children learn about mechanisms while designing and making a story book with moving parts.
The stages of this include:
- exploring sliders and levers
- design
- construction
- testing and evaluation
The first term’s music is based on the song, “Hey you! What you gonna do?” It includes learning about old school hip-hop, pulse and rhythm.
The children use the song as a framework to compose their own rap. They are introduced to using instruments.
Term 2 music includes work around the theme of dinosaurs. The children also learn the songs for their Nativity performance.
Games activities
- This includes learning the skills of throwing and catching.
- The children practise the skills of balancing, jumping and rolling.
The questions explored in class are:
- How does the world point to a creator?
- Why does Christmas matter to Christians?
The topics are:
- internet safety
- Czone
- education for a connected world
PSHE (Personal, social and health education)
We follow the Jigsaw scheme of work.
The topics are:
- Being me in my world
- Celebrating differences
Visits and events
- a visit to Paradise Park
- Nativity production
Terms 3 and 4
Class texts
Toby and the Great Fire of London
Claude in the City
- In term 3, children recite familiar poems by heart.
- In term 4, they read, write and perform free verse.
- This includes learning how to write labels and sentences for displays.
- We focus on learning to read, understand and discuss contemporary fiction.
Number work includes:
- learning about the place value of digits in numbers up to 50
- practising addition and subtraction using numbers up to 20
- finding and recalling multiples of 2, 5 and 10
Measurement includes:
- length and height
- weight
- volume
Our topics for the term are:
- everyday materials
- seasons
The children develop their map skills. They explore the question, ‘What is a map?’
They take a close look at where they live and the local area. The question raised is, ‘What is the geography of where I live?’
The Great Fire of London
The children are asked to consider, ‘Why was this a significant event?’
Art and design skills:
- introduction to sketchbooks
- Lego printing
- printing on the theme of the Great Fire of London
- drawing inspired by Kandinsky
Study of the artist Louis Wain.
Landscapes using different media
- seaside landscape composition
- beach textures collage
- shades and colours of the sea using watercolours
Design technology
The children learn about the mechanisms of wheels and axles. This includes:
- how wheels move
- fixing broken wheels
- designing a vehicle
- building and testing for the Whacky Races!
‘In the groove’
This explores:
- styles (Blues, Latin, Funk, Folk, Baroque and Bhangra)
- pitch
- tempo
Round and round
Children learn about the styles of:
- Latin bossa nova
- film music
- big band jazz
- mash-up
- Latin fusion
- Improvisation
Children practise:
- sequences
- partner work
- using apparatus
This focuses on two big questions:
- What do Christians believe God is like?
- Why does Easter matter to Christians?
Internet safety
Common uses of technology
From the Jigsaw scheme of work the topics are:
- Dreams and goals
- Healthy me
Visits and events
Mother’s Day express
Terms 5 and 6
Class texts
Traditional tale (Red Riding Hood)
- Children recite familiar poems by heart.
- We read, write and perform free verse.
Number work includes:
- multiplication and division
- place value of numbers up to 100
- fractions
Measurement includes:
- money
- time
Geometry includes:
- describing position and direction
Our topics for the term are:
- plants and animals
- seasons
Forest school
Weather – We explore the question, ‘How does the weather affect our lives?’
- Sculptures and collages
- Clay
- 3D junk model
- 3D sculpture using natural objects
- Class spider sculpture inspired by Louise Bourgeois’ sculpture, Maman
Design technology
Term 5 - Structures: windmills
- design the structure
- assemble the structure
- assemble the windmill
- test and evaluate
Term 6 -Textiles: puppets
- joining fabrics
- designing a puppet
- making and joining the puppet
- decorating the puppet
Your imagination
This explores:
- film music
- historical context
- composing an accompaniment
Reflect, rewind, replay
We revisit learning across the year and prepare a song for performance.
Athletics activities
- run
- jump
- throw
Striking and fielding activities
- rounders
Jesus’ life - miracles and parables
Internet safety
From the Jigsaw scheme of work the topics are:
- relationships
- changing me
Visits and events